Home > Get Involved > Memorials

Honor a loved one with a memorial at the Racine County Fairgrounds. We offer memorials in a variety of ways including;
1. A 4" x 8" brick up to two lines and 12 characters per line, including spaces, at $60 each. (Purchase four at $225)
2. A 8" x 16" bring with up to six lines and 24 characters per line, including spaces, at $250.
3. A permanent bench with thick plastisol coating and a small plaque. We are able to include a photo plus up to 75 words on a 6" x 10" plaque. Cost: $1,400
4. Design and build an area with possible multiple benches, table and landscaping. Area, design, and cost to be negotiated with the Racine County Fair Memorial Committee.
We are more than happy to discuss any other thoughts and ideas you may have! To purchase a memorial gift, contact the Racine County Fair office. 262-878-3895.